(a traditional of South beautiful flower India with fine aroma and medicinal value)
Jasmine strings,
Garlands for offering to temples,
Jasmine Garlands for marriages,
Jadai and veni,
(beautiful red and pink color flower widely used in poojas)
Arali Loose Flowers,
Arali strings,
(yellow color attractive flower mainly used for poojas and thorans)
Jevanthi Loose flowers,
Jevanthi Garlands,
Jevanthi strings,
(small beautiful white color flower for pooja and women hairdressing)
Mullai Loose flowers,
Mullai strings,
(small beautiful white color flower for pooja and women hairdressing)
Jathi Loose flowers,
Jathi strings,
( small flowers of various colors like red, orange, yellow, pink etc for pooja garlands)
Button rose garlands
( A fragrantful white color flower for pooja, pooja garlands and wedding garlands)
Lily pooja garland
Lily wedding garlands
Lily Veni
Lily Jadai
(Big pleasing flowers of different colors for bouquets and garlands)
Cut Rose flower bouquets
Rose petal wedding Garlands
(Attractive flowers of yellow and orange color for Decoration and thorans)
Marigold garlands (orange)
Mari gold garlands (yellow)
Marigold hangings (thorans)
beautiful sacred flower for poojas and decoration)
Lotus (pink)
(for poojas)